Regardless of your current position on 9/23/17, consider Genesis 1:14, and the math behind 9/23/17:
- Moon in position, 1 in 12, .08%
- Sabbath, 1 in 52, .02 %
- Mercury, 1 in 88, .011%
- Venus, 1 in 224.65, .00445%
- Sun, 1 in 365, .0027%
- Tishri 1, 1 in 365, .0027%
- Equinox, 1 in 365 .0027%
- Jupiter, 1 in 4,333.59, .000230%
- Nibiru, 1 in 1,205,820, .0000008293112 %
- Having all these align without adding Nibiru into the equation is 1 in the trillions.
- Put Nibiru in and you have to add a bunch more zeros to the trillions number.

- Who created the stars and the planets...God, or Satan?
- Who controls and engineers with exact precision the movement of the stars and planets...God, or Satan?
- Looking at the heavens for what GOD is doing, and looking at God's word to learn what GOD has told us about the that a God-centered activity, or a Satanic activity?
- The Holy Scriptures, Jewish Feasts/Fall Festivals and the heavenly signs God used some 2,000 years ago, proclaimed the birth of Christ before His birth.
- The SAME Holy Scriptures, Jewish Feasts/Fall Festivals, heavenly signs and more of them, God is using for us to know when the Rapture is, ALSO before it happens.
- If God follows His own exact precedent that He set forth with the birth of Jesus, the Rapture will happen on 9-23-17.
- But…here is why the Rapture is going to be DELAYED!!!
- We believe the Rapture will NOT happen on 9/23/17 based on what God has revealed in 2 Peter 3:3-4, 3:9 and 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
- "Wait, what?" Stay with us as we share important details that only the Holy Spirit can teach any of us about future things John 16:13.
- Signs in the heavens (Genesis 1:14) began just a few years before Jesus’ birth.
- There was a series of four lunar eclipses, following precisely the Jewish feast days.
- After the eclipses, there was a miraculous star. A star designed and timed by God, to lead wise men to the young child Jesus.
- Signs in the heavens began just a few years ago.
- There has been a series of four lunar eclipses, landing on the same Jewish feast days as the four lunar eclipses before Jesus’ birth.
- Then, an added sign: a solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, seen by much of the world, just before the Jewish month of “Elul,” the month of repentance.
- After these four lunar eclipses and one solar, a miraculous star sign in the heavens is to take place.
- This time, it involves the Constellation Leo and 3 planets (Venus, Mars, Mercury) totaling 12, forming into a crown above the constellation Virgo, the woman on 9/23/17 (Stellarium shows this)…
- …Forming a sign in the heavens that exactly matches the picture of the Rapture in Revelation 12 (Read Systematic Eschatology for clarity if needed).
- A sign given from God in the heavens, which has not happened since the beginning of time (Stellarium confirms this).
- Currently, a tremendous explosion of true understanding about Revelation 12 is occurring. In a fulfillment of Daniel 12:4, internet sites and independent individuals and groups around the world are recognizing that the woman and man child of Revelation 12 is about the Rapture.
- But as of today, there still is not a corresponding growth of understanding about who the Antichrist is.
- In 2 Thessalonians 2:3, the recognition of the Antichrist is mentioned alongside the “falling away” that will (is) occur (ing) in the Church.
- The apostasy of the Church will be (is) very widespread…witness Europe…witness America. However, recognition of the Antichrist is not nearly as widespread…not yet.
- Again, knowledge of Revelation 12, the woman, and the man child has grown greatly in the past year. But there is an entire series of dramatic prophetic events that must be fulfilled in Israel and with the Jewish people. God’s stunning and almost unbelievable future plan for Israel and the Jewish people can be found in the prophecies of Ezekiel 36-37, Deuteronomy 28:63-68, Obadiah 1, Ezekiel 35, Ezekiel 20:33-38, Zechariah 10:10-12, Isaiah 11:11-16, etc.
- In short, God’s plan is this:
- All the Jewish people will be greatly persecuted,
- and then gathered from all over the world…
- and driven out of the land of Israel…
- and gathered in at least two major locations: Egypt, and “Assyria.”
- They will be left to die out as a people.
- God will revive them and bring them back to His covenant, outside Israel.
- God will then miraculously divide the Red Sea a second time, and bring His people miraculously through the Red Sea again, a second time.
- The Jewish people will then re-enter the Promised Land, and a process will begin where all the surviving Jewish people will gain individual eternal salvation through Christ (Romans 11:26).
- Compared to the great increase in knowledge of Revelation 12, there is practically zero awareness in the Church about the future that God has for Israel. Hardly anybody in the Church understands that Israel is not in its Land to stay (as of today).
- This is a problem if the Rapture is going to happen on 9/23/17. God said He will do nothing before He first reveals it through His prophets. Not only does God have to perform all the miraculous events He has planned for His Chosen People…God must also publicize and proclaim ahead of time, through prophetic teachers, what He is going to do. All this takes time, and 9/23/17 is rapidly approaching.
- If God is using the same pattern of signs for the Rapture that He used for Christ’s birth…then the Rapture would happen on 9/23/17. As previously mentioned, God doesn’t change. Where do we go from here?
- The answer is, God is NOT changing His ways. Makes no sense…or does it?
- God is actually staying the same, and remaining the true ‘I AM.’
- He is using the same pattern of heavenly signs! The only difference this time is that when it comes to the Rapture, God is being even more generous with His love, patience, and mercy.
- But in 2 Peter 3:9 the Lord speaks in a remarkable way, in even an apologetic way. In so many words, the Lord is saying, ‘Now, it’s going to seem like I’m moving late to bring about the Rapture…but it’s not because I’m slack or lazy. It may seem that way, but I’m going to perform the Rapture later than when it should happen, because I’m waiting extra time to give people even more opportunity to repent.’
- Why else would the Lord, in His own holy word, give us assurance that He is not going to be slack in performing the Rapture…unless He knows that it’s going to seem to us like He is bringing about the Rapture later than He should?
- Remember that God is not directing 2 Peter 3:9 to ignorant or even disobedient people.
- In 2 Peter 3:1, 8, and 14, the Lord calls His audience, “beloved.”
- And in verse 11, the Lord says, “Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of person ought ye to be…” The Lord is speaking to people who are “seeing” what prophetic truth is revealing.
- The Lord is speaking to people who are knowledgeable of His prophetic plans. He is speaking to people who are familiar enough with the timing of the Rapture, that it seems to them that the Rapture is not happening when it should. He is directing this passage, prophetically, to those of us living today.
- It is to us that God gives the assurance: “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise.” And it is to us that God gives the reason: The Lord “is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”
- God is adding time to when the Rapture will occur, because of His longsuffering love. God is seeking to extend and perform Gospel salvation to the greatest extent possible before the Rapture.
- Do not be deceived—a time of prophetic deception
- Many claim to be Christ
- Wars and rumors of wars
- False promises that the end is near
- Jesus assures us that the end is NOT near during this time of deception
- The end is NOT yet (Matthew 24:3-6, Mark 13:5-7, Luke 21:7-9)
- When they say “peace and safety,” before the Rapture (I Thessalonians 5:3) the end IS near. The Arabic root word “salam” means peace; “Islam” means peace, safety, submission, obedience according to Muslims on their own websites.
- The Laodicean church becomes prominent (Revelation 3:14-4:1)
- The great “falling away” in the Church (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
- The rise and revealing of the Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)
- Where is the promise of His coming? (2 Peter 3:3-4)
- Israel hated/gathered into Egypt from around the world…this could be before, during or very shortly after the Rapture (see references previously listed and 'The Last Days, Timeline' with video).